Nancy Landgraff, professor and Department Chair of Physical Therapy at Youngstown State University (YSU), has been inducted into the National Academies of Practice (NAP) as a Distinguished Fellow. 

The NAP is an interprofessional organization of healthcare professionals from across the US that aims to promote "affordable, accessible, coordinated quality healthcare for all."

She was nominated for the position by her colleague Kelly Colwell, fellow YSU associate professor and NAP Distinguished Fellow in the field of Respiratory Therapy. 

According to the NAP Landgraff was selected due to her significant work in physical therapy, especially regarding stroke rehabilitation, patient-centered care and interprofessional practice. 

Just a few days before her induction Landgraff participated in the NAP's Advocacy Day at Capitol Hill where she and her colleagues in the NAP supported policies that reinforced interdisciplinary care. 

Landgraff's award worthy work at YSU includes expanding the university's physical training programs with her support of a renovation of Cushwa Hall to allow more field training space and the development of advanced doctoral and master's degree programs in health sciences and health and human services respectively. 

She has also done noteworthy work outside of the academic sphere via her participation in volunteer programs such as a Walk with a Doc and her roles in both the American heart Association and the Ohio Physical Therapy Association. 

She was asked for any advice she was able to provide future health professionals,

"Your patients deserve the best from you," she said.