SMARTS founder invited to CreativeOhio Advocacy Leadership Institute

Becky Keck has been chosen to participate in the newly formed CreativeOhio Advocacy Leadership Institute (ALI).
Keck is the President and Founder of Student Motivated by the Arts (SMARTS), which is a community art school in Youngstown that offers free PK-12 art classes included subjects such as visual art, music, dance, theater and creative writing that opened in 1997.
She has been invited to onto the 2025 Cohort of the ALI which consists of 25 community leaders in the artistic space across 15 cities in Ohio.
The program will launch in May 2025 with its goal being to "provide arts and culture professionals across the state with advocacy skills, legislative insights and statewide connections."
Through the participants' training and provided resources the Institute hopes to empower cultural leaders across the state to involve themselves in legislation and ensure their creative industries' continued existence and success through political and legislative means.
The Cohort will be working with policymakers, industry experts and other leaders in the arts to reinforce their advocacy skills.
Keck commented on her expectations for the program.
"I look forward to learning new advocacy skills and using them to engage new supporters for all of our region's arts and culture organizations," Keck said.
The CreativeOhio Advocacy Leadership Institute is funded by donors such as the George Gund Foundation, the Greater Cincinnati Foundation, the Greater Columbus Art Council and Edwards Companies.