Motion filed opposing judicial release of former Niles mayor convicted of corruption

One month after the former mayor of Niles, who was convicted of corruption in 2018 asked to be released from prison early, the prosecution has filed a motion opposing that release.
Infante was convicted of 22 charges stemming from corruption during his time as mayor of the City of Niles including tampering with records, gambling, operating a gambling house, having unlawful interest in a public contract, falsification and engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity.
He was sentenced to 10 years in prison on those charges.
According to a court filing dated Friday, March 21, the prosecution is asking the judge not to release Infante from prison three years early. The document states that Infante's conduct in office brought humiliation to the whole city.
"[Infante's] sentence for his pervasive, corrupt conduct should not be shortened because he has been a good prisoner, because his wife is older than him or because after years of appeals and federal court proceedings in which he continued to be unrepetitive or unremorseful, he is now sorry for his conduct as he seeks this court's mercy for early release," the document reads.
No ruling has officially been made yet.
During Infante's trial city employees testified about several instances of corruption during his administration including a time when he paid a woman for two generators and a power washer without first going through council.
Other testimonies told of instances of bribery including a time when a city employee offered Infante $1,800 to give him a job in the city and raised that offer to $2,500 when he was told that was too low.
Further testimony revealed a city employee got a promotion by buying him a TV set and air conditioner.
Another testimony told of a time when Infante purchased $75,000 worth of tickets to a football game and was reimbursed for them, but never reported that and instead reported the tickets as gifts.
You can read much more about these testimonies, as well as the aftermath of the case in our related coverage below.