A ribbon cutting ceremony was held Thursday morning for a brand-new transitional and sober living home for women and their children in Warren.

Brighter Beginnings, located on Leavitt Road NW in Warren has opened to provide a safe, stable and supportive housing environment for women working towards reunification with their children and break the cycle of addiction.

According to a press release, Brighter Beginnings is a collaborative effort between Trumbull County Children Services, First Step Recovery and Parkman Recovery made possible thanks to support from the OneOhio Recovery Foundation.

The facility will provide therapeutic services for recovering mothers and their children as they begin the reunification process in a safe and sober environment.

"We are thankful for the OneOhio Recovery Foundation for making this possible and grateful to be awarded this opportunity to serve women and children in Trumbull County," said First Step and Parkman Recovery Executive Director Cindy O'Keefe in the release. 

O'Keefe tells 21 News the home will have three bedrooms to house three women and their children 17 and under. Two bedrooms can house one woman and two children and another bedroom can house one woman and one child.

There will also be a living room area, two bathrooms, washers and dryers and a gated backyard.

Trumbull County Children Services is the lead department in selecting who is housed at the facility. The department will identify women in recovery and in the reunification process.

"They will select the families, First Step Recovery will then welcome them in and we will provide any needed case management, peer support and any other addiction treatment services as they need it," O'Keefe said.

You can take a look at the inside of the facility in our slideshow above.