First Responders report that they rescued the driver ten minutes after learning that his car had plunged into the chilly waters of Lake Julia in Hermitage.

Hermitage Fire-Rescue received a dispatch at 10:24 a.m. Wednesday reporting a vehicle sinking in the Buhl Farm Park lake with at least one person inside, according to a statement from the department. Due to the immediate threat to life, the Sharon Fire Department and Sharpsville Volunteer Fire Department were called to assist.


Hermitage firefighters arrived on scene in less than 10 minutes and rescued the driver, identified by Hermitage Police Chief Adam Piccirillo as 54-year-old Gary Keryan of Sharon. Keryan, who was unresponsive but breathing, was transported to a Youngstown hospital.

"Though we may be biased in saying so, arriving, affecting a rescue, and having the victim in the care of EMS in under 10 minutes is impressive," Hermitage Fire-Rescue wrote in a Facebook post.

Police said Keryan’s condition was stable at the scene, but he was unable to recall the events leading to the crash. His condition at the hospital was not immediately available.

Witnesses told local media that Keryan’s vehicle drove directly into the lake without stopping. Bystanders called 911, and some attempted to rescue the driver.

Divers from the Hermitage and Sharon fire departments recovered the vehicle from the 11-acre lake, located near the park’s recreational center known as the Casino. Sharpsville firefighters assisted at the scene.