A parent of a student at the Hubbard Exempted Village School District reached out to 21 News with concerns about a bus driver shortage in Hubbard leading to students potentially missing school.

21 News caught up with the school district to look into the matter and find out how the district is handling it.

A representative for the district told 21 News the reason behind the issue is that several bus drivers have called off with illnesses within the past month and the district does not have any substitute drivers to fill in for them.

This in turn leads to some students arriving to school late.

The district representative told 21 News in the event that this happens, bus drivers from other routes will pick up students affected by the call off following the completion of their normal route.

Students who are affected by a call off will not be marked tardy or absent.

In the meantime, the district is always looking for substitute bus drivers to mitigate this issue. If you're interested in applying, you can email Transportation Supervisor Mona Jones at jonesm@hubbard.k12.oh.us.