The OSU Extension Office and East Palestine Resiliency Center have collaborated with East Palestine Schools in hopes of remedying the issue of truancy among its students in the district.

"We understand that truancy can often be tied to an underlying challenge within a family," said Dr. James Rook, East Palestine Schools Superintendent. "This program was designed to help provide families with the necessary tools and resources to create a supportive environment for their children's overall education."

This program focuses on empowering families to overcome truancy that has reached a habitual level by offering resources such as educational sessions where students can learn healthy habits that can help with getting motivation to go to class.

Other resources include guest speakers from the community, assistance in providing dinner and gas cards for those attending and incentives for participation such as a specially customized basket for parents attending all four sessions.

The family or guardian of a student will receive a notice along with an invite to the program once they reach habitual status. The truancy program launched by the East Palestine School District is the first of its kind in the area and will run every Wednesday in March.