The project to improve Route 18 and Route 58 near Thiel College in Greenville, Mercer County is set to restart in the coming weeks.

The Route 18-Route 58 Improvement Project includes Route 18 from the intersection of Route 358 to the intersection with Mill Hill Road and Route 58 from the intersection with Route 18 to East Craig Street.

The project will assist pedestrian accessibility and safety, as well as intersection efficiency.

Initial work will begin on March 31 with major work beginning the first week of April.

Work started back in 2024 and will be scheduled to be completed by late October of 2025.

Construction will be completed in five phases that will include traffic restrictions and detours specifically for the active work, including flaggers that will be present for traffic control. 

- Phase 1: Drainage, tree removal and widening roadway along Route 18 from Shenango Street to Packard Avenue. 

- Phase 2: Drainage, roadway widening and sidewalk and ADA-compliant curb ramp construction along Route 18 from Main Street to Packard Avenue and Orangeville Road to Front Street, as well as new signal foundations at the intersections of Route 18 and Route 58, 358 and High Street (Route 4005).

- Phase 3: Additional roadway widening, sidewalk and ADA-compliant curb ramp construction along Route 18 from Main Street to Packard Avenue and Orangeville Road to Front Street and reconstruction at the intersection of Route 58 and Route 18.

- Phase 4: Additional reconstruction work, removal of existing pavement and installation of a new traffic signal at the intersections of Route 58 and Route 18. One-week detour of Route 58 westbound traffic will be required during a portion of work. Route 18 will be closed between Route 18 and 200 feet north of Packard Avenue Extension and the intersection with Ridgeway Avenue.

- Phase 5: Placing the final layer of asphalt throughout the project area, landscaping and pavement markings.

PennDOT advises motorists to drive slow in work zones and be cautious to changing conditions for safety and the workers.