The Premier Bank Tower located in downtown Youngstown will cycle through its light colors based on the occasions in February.

There are six different occasions, holidays and events the tower will be changing its light colors for.

Listed below are the events and the colors to which it will change its lights.

  • Saturday, February 1 | Red, Yellow & Green
         To celebrate and recognize Black History Month
  • Friday, February 7 | Red
         In partnership with the American Heart Association for Go Red Day & American Heart Month
  • Saturday, February 9 | Red & Yellow and Midnight Green & White
         To celebrate Super Bowl Sunday
  • Friday, February 14 | Pink & Red
         To celebrate Valentine's Day
  • Monday, February 17 | Red, White & Blue
         To celebrate Presidents' Day
  • Monday, February 24 | Blue & Green
         In partnership with the National Eating Disorders Association for Eating Disorders Awareness Week

As of Saturday, the first color shift has occurred with the tower having red, yellow and green lights for black history month.