21 WFMJ archives  / January  23, 1982 | What was being described as the greatest dismantling job in the nation was underway 43 years ago at the Ohio Works of U.S. Steel Corp. Prominent in the foreground are the flywheels for the 43-inch blooming mills.

January 23

2000: Tracy Drake, director of the Columbian County Port Authority, says major repairs will be made to the 36-mile Youngstown & Southern Railway line to meet federal standards by summer. The Columbiana Central and Pennsylvania Railroad is expected to lease the line linking Boardman and Darlington, Pa.

A state performance audit says the city of Youngstown loses $5 million a year due to mismanaged income tax collection. State Auditor Jim Petro recommends that the city contract with an outside agency for tax collection. 

The Falcon Classic attracts six high school gymnastics teams to Austintown for the first such local meet since the 1980s.

1985: Sharon General Hospital became part of the Great Lakes Health Network, which links Sharon General, Hamot Health in Erie, Franklin Regional Medical Center, and Brown Memorial Hospital in Ashtabula. 

Gov. Richard F. Celeste comes to Youngstown to tell local officials and business leaders that $30 million has been committed to projects in Mahoning and Trumbull counties over the next two years.

After meeting with President Ronald Reagan, Thomas "Tip" O'Neill, Democratic speaker of the House, says Congress will not use parliamentary roadblocks to prevent congressional votes on Reagan's ambitious tax and spending programs. 

1975: Youngstown police are seeking a man who brutally raped a 4-year-old South Side girl in Oak Hill Cemetery in front of two playmates. 

Three armed men hold up the Burghill Fire Department bingo game, escaping with an undisclosed amount of money from the game and the players, including whatever was in the 20 billfolds the robbers took. 

David C. Bixler is named "Man of the Year" and John Pogue "Young Man of the Year" during the Warren Area Jaycees banquet at the Avalon Inn. 

1950: Trumbull County Prosecutor William M. McLain asks Common Pleas Court to padlock the notorious Dew Drop Inn, a Niles vice resort. 

At the Progressive Party of Ohio's second annual convention in Cleveland, Mrs. Pauline Taylor of Youngstown was elected secretary. Ely Needer of Youngstown and P.H. Wolfe of Warren were elected vice chairmen. 

A woman bandit and her male companion hold up a Youngstown Municipal Railway Co. bus driver on the North Side, forcing him to drive to the end of the line and escape with $53.