21 WFMJ archives / January 15, 1988 | Browns fever was running high throughout January 1988, as demonstrated by these students in their Browns gear at West Boulevard Elementary School in Boardman, the hometown of Browns Quarterback Bernie Kosar.  Unfortunately, 37 years ago, on Jan. 17, the Brown's streak ended in Denver in the AFC championship game that fans will remember as "The Fumble."  The Browns were eliminated by the Broncos, 38-33.

January 17

2000: Youngstown is losing the headquarters of its largest manufacturing firm with the sale of Commercial Intertech Corp. to Parker Hannifin Corp. Duane Collins of Parker Hannifin said his company intends to cut just 30 of the 600 jobs at the headquarters and three area plants.

Staff Sgt. Frank Ronghi, a 1983 graduate of Niles McKinley High School, is in Army custody in Germany, accused of raping and killing an 11-year-old Kosovo girl while serving on a peace-keeping mission.

Greensville, Pa., Police Chief Barry Williams is investigating telephone threats received by two councilmen and the city manager over council's approval of a 10-mill property tax increase to support recreational facilities. 

1985: Edward J. DeBartolo Sr., one of the country's leading real estate developers, is credited with persuading Gov. Richard F. Celeste to seek a takeover of the Ravenna Arsenal for use as an industrial park.

Many Mahoning and Trumbull schools close after about 4 inches of overnight snow.

Paul McFadden, former YSU football star and place-kicking record holder who now plays for the Philadelphia Eagles and was named Rookie of the Year in the NFC by UPI, is back in his hometown and attends the YSU-Hiram basketball game. 

1975: A Youngstown man and a Canfield man are arrested outside the Lordstown General Motors plant accused of using pistols to intimidate two men circulating labor relations newspapers at the plant.

An areawide search is underway for a 13-year-old Boardman boy, David Evans, who was last seen by his father near the corner of his family's home on Edgewood Drive. He is diabetic and overdue for an insulin shot.

Atty. Constant A. Prassinos is named legal counsel to the Mahoning County Bureau of Support under the direction of Judge John Leskovyansky. 

1950: "Wycliff Chu-Imp," a blue male Persian cat owned by Mrs. Lawrence Pelton of Hubbard, is judged Ohio's best cat at the All Breeds Cat Show in Columbus.

U.S. Sen Robert A. Taft, R-Ohio, will be the guest speaker at the annual dinner meeting of Southside Merchants at the Tippecanoe Country Club.

A bandit gang escapes with $1.5 million from Brinks Inc. in Boston. John D. Allen, president of Brinks, offers a $100,000 reward for the robbers, adding, "We'd rather have them dead."