Accidental overdose deaths in Trumbull County nearly cut in half in 2024
The drug epidemic may have loosened its grip in Trumbull County in 2024.
Data released by the Trumbull County Coroner's office shows a significant decline in accidental overdose deaths. In 2024, 61 people died as a result of an accidental overdose. In 2023, that number was 112.
"For years, we've been in the top ten of 88 counties in Ohio for overdose deaths," Trumbull County Mental Health and Recovery Board executive director April Caraway said. "With this year's number of 61, I think that will take us out of the top ten. And that's not a number you want to be involved in."
Seven townships by zip code were reported to have 0 documented drug overdoses: Fowler-Hartford (44418), Mesopotamia (44439), Orangeville (44453) , Warren (44482), Farmington (44491), Warren (44486), and Youngstown (44510).
Toxicology reports from fatal overdoses in 2024 show Fentanyl as the most commonly identified drug, in 81 percent of cases. In all but 8% of those Fentanyl-related deaths, the drug was found in combination with others.
"There's hardly any heroin out there at all. It's all fentanyl, carfentanil, norfentanyl, names I can't even pronounce. So there are tons of synthetic drugs being put with cocaine, put with other drugs," Caraway noted.
The Mental Health and Recovery Board attributed much of the harm reduction to promoting public awareness on addiction, eliminating stigma around seeking or offering help.
2024 was also the first full calendar year with opioid reversal drug Naloxone (Narcan) available without a prescription. Access to the life-saving measure is a factor Caraway believes may have also contributed to the decline in accidental overdose deaths.