A documentary about the history of Braceville Township will be screened at Robin Theatre in Warren.
Braceville is a township in Trumbull County, just over eight miles from Warren.
It is the birthplace of several historical figures within Black American history, such as baseball legend Ted Toles Jr, Kirkus Prize-winning author Brian Broome, and boxing heavyweight championship contender Earnie Shavers, who brought Mohammad Ali to 15 rounds.
The documentary goes through the many impactful individuals from the area, detailing its ties to Black American history.
The screening is on February 16 at 10 a.m.; tickets are $10.
Those who wish to see the documentary can purchase tickets on January 3 either at the link here or at the Robins Theatre Box Office between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Wednesday through Friday at 160 E. Market St, Warren.