Vernon Township Fiscal Officer, trustees overcompensated $669; ordered to pay back funds
Vernon Township's fiscal officer and township trustees were overcompensated in their pay and were ordered to pay back the funds towards ongoing township general funds.
In an audit report released Tuesday morning, the Ohio Auditor of State's office found that the fiscal officer and trustees of Vernon Township were paid over the maximum amount for the year 2023.
According to the audit, Former Vernon fiscal officer Darlene Emrick was overcompensated for $441, and trustees Walter Horodyski and Michael Lindus and former trustee Ronald Emrick were overcompensated for $76 each.
The Ohio Auditor of State's Office issued a Finding for Recovery after they discovered the discrepancy in the Vernon trustees' and fiscal officer's pay.
The overcompensated trustees and fiscal officer were then ordered to repay the funds illegally paid to them towards the Vernon Township General Fund for $241; the Gasoline Tax fund for $253; the Fire District fund for $129; and the Fire and Rescue Ambulance fund for $44.
The report stated that Fiscal Officer Emrick repaid all the above funds on October 4.