4th, 5th and 6th grade students at Center Intermediate School in Boardman went on a shopping spree with officers from the Boardman Police Department for the school's annual Shop With A Cop event.

Students were joined by officers at Macy's in the Southern Park Mall in Boardman Sunday morning and were given two hours to shop with $300 to spend on family members or anything they might need for the holidays.

Center Intermediate School Counselor Kendra Baltes tells 21 News this event has been going on for five years now. This year the school applied for and received a $3,000 grant from Macy's for the event.

Additionally, the Boardman Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) donated $900, Hynes Industries donated an additional $500 and the Macy's warehouse in North Jackson donated an additional $2,100.

"A lot of the kids are super excited because they get to shop just for themselves [for] shoes, toys, clothes, makeup and then they have their own personal officer to go around with," Baltes said.

Boardman police officer and FOP President Joe Lamping tells 21 News his favorite part of this event is just seeing kids in need get everything they want for Christmas.

"It's a wonder to see the joy in their faces when they get to come in," Lamping said.

According to a press release, the $3,000 Macy's grant was the biggest one Center Intermediate received since the event started five years ago.