"It just was a big hurdle for this project to get over," says Bazetta Township trustee Mike Hovis of the so-called 'Project Penguin' project.

The company wanting to develop a tract of land in the township into a $30 million warehouse project has cleared that hurdle.

In November, the Ambrose property group had issues securing the permits dealing with a section of wetlands on the site.
Of the total 60 acres of land, about nine acres are wetlands.

But Thursday, the Ohio EPA said a one-acre area set aside for non-forested wetlands met its requirements for the permit.
It's the green light township trustees had been waiting for.

"So that's $30 million that we get to add to our tax base," Hovis said. "It helps the township out, helps the school system out, it's going to help employ some people there, we're talking over 200 people being employed there."

Hovis is optimistic about that, and the possibilities for the future.
He believes 'Project Penguin' could open the floodgates.

"I think once this thing breaks ground, it's going to entice other companies to possibly look at some of the property over there that's just vacant land."

Construction had been set to get underway in mid-January, but right now it's not clear if that's still the timeline.
A representative from Ambrose Property Group did not have any additional information when we reached out Thursday afternoon.