A $30 million dollar warehouse project in Bazetta Township has been delayed. 

Ambrose Property Group has plans to build a 169,000-square-foot distribution center off of Perkins Jones Road.

Groundbreaking for the center was expected to be in October of 2024 but didn’t happen because of permitting issues. 

The township zoning inspector, Pete Pizzulo, told 21 News there were issues securing permits pertaining to the wetlands on the site. 

Of the total 60 acres of land, 8.93 acres of that is wetlands. The group decided to go back to the drawing board for their layout of the center to try and disturb less of the wetlands according to the Trumbull County Soil and Water Conservation District Department. 

The new layout was submitted to the department on Nov. 1. Once Ambrose Property Group gets a permit from the Army Corps of Engineers they then have to get approval from the Ohio EPA. The group cannot start any construction until those are secured. 

The timeline of how long the permit and approval process will be is unknown. 

Bazetta Township Trustee Michael Hovis said the project is still definitely going to happen.

The project has been dubbed “Project Penguin” by township officials and the Ambrose Property Group. 

Township officials would not disclose what company would be coming to the center once it is complete. 

A representative from Ambrose Property Group did not know when a new groundbreaking date could happen.