A woman tells Youngstown Police she was carjacked by three masked men from a Northside gas station Thursday evening.

According to the victim, a man wearing a ski mask walked up and demanded money as she was getting out of her car at the Logan Gas Mart on Logan Avenue at around sunset.

When the woman said she had no money, the suspect told her to get out of the car.

After she pleaded with the man, he pulled out a gun and again ordered her to get out of the car.

After she exited the car, she said the suspect got in along with two other masked men standing nearby.

When the man noticed that the woman still had the car keys, she said he pointed the gun at her again and demanded that she turn over the keys.

She gave him the keys but begged him to give her the key to her house before he drove away.

The vehicle, a light blue Buick Century, has been entered into the Law Enforcement Agency's Data System as stolen.

An officer drove the woman home.