In just a few days, Steward Health Care Hospitals in Trumbull County will officially have a new owner. Insight Health System is preparing to officially take ownership of Trumbull Regional Medical Center and Hillside Rehabilitation Hospital.

If an objection isn't filed by Wednesday, Insight Health System will become the owner.

Some concerns are being raised over the company stepping up and the process. Trumbull commissioner Niki Frenchko has been studying the group and has questions.

"Not based on their quality of care, and their patient care, and their track record of success, rather based on their desire to play make believe with medical properties trust to ensure that lease gets paid over patient care which is the exact problem that we've seen with Steward," said Frenchko.

The group has also been named in a federal lawsuit, where Allstate accuses an Insight hospital of submitting false, fraudulent records and bills. That case is nearing resolution, but Insight has not answered if the doctors involved are still employed.

Just last week, Insight took over a group of New Jersey hospitals that were facing financial problems, but had been quiet about their partnership with that group.

In early 2021, Insight bought Mercy Hospital in Chicago when it hit financial troubles. Maureen Tkacik has followed this matter for the American Prospect. She sees a pattern.

"I see the same sort of narrative arc that has happened here. Where we had the Warren City Group who was organizing to save the hospital, and at the very last minute, we see insight coming in," said Tkacik.

21 news reached out to Insight regarding the concerns, who said they are working on a statement.

The deadline to file an objection to this matter is October 9. If an objection is filed before that date, an emergency hearing will be set.