A Youngstown man was arrested Thursday evening after allegedly shining a laser pointer at an Ohio State Highway Patrol helicopter. According to a police report, the incident happened on the city’s Northside as the patrol worked with police on a neighborhood anti-crime operation.

Officers with the Youngstown Police Department’s Impact Initiative were alerted to the incident by the patrol’s air support, who reported being targeted by a green laser beam. The laser was traced back to a residence on Bennington Avenue.

Officers say the helicopter led them to the suspect, who was found standing on his back porch with a green laser nearby.

The suspect told officers he was trying to wrangle his cats from the backyard when the laser shone on the helicopter.

The suspect was released at the scene due to his responsibilities as the sole caretaker for his son. However, police say they will file criminal charges for interfering with the operation of an aircraft with a laser.

Pointing a laser at an aircraft is a federal crime. U.S. law enforcement agencies and the Federal Aviation Administration may seek criminal and civil prosecution against violators.

People who shine lasers at aircraft face FAA fines of up to $11,000 per violation and up to $30,800 for multiple laser incidents. In 2021, the FAA issued $120,000 in fines for laser strikes.

You can take a look at the moment when the laser was shone at the helicopter in the video above.