Eagle Joint Fire District & Hubbard Twp. Trustees discuss social media dispute


A dispute involving the Eagle Joint Fire Chief's wife and a Hubbard Township Trustee led to a heated meeting Wednesday. 

Comments made by Chairman Rick Hernandez and Fire Chief Ron Stanish's wife are now resulting in a free speech debate, with calls for Hernandez to step down. 

"I don't want to see that kind of stuff continue to compound this community," said Trustee Jason Tedrow. "And that's what my concern is."

Chief Stanish was allegedly contacted by Hernandez, asking him if his wife could stop posting criticism about him on social media.

"I kindly asked the chief if he would speak to his wife," Hernandez said. "I can do that. I did not threaten the chief."

It is unclear what Paula Stanish posted about Hernandez. It is unclear what Hernandez said to Ron Stanish. But, the situation quickly became a dispute over free speech.

"My posting, liking, and commenting on social media should have never been brought to my husband," Mrs. Stanish said in a statement given to 21 WFMJ. "Chairman Hernandez advised my husband that he board may call him into Executive Session and suggest that my husband talk to me and ask me to stop on social media. My posts and comments that the Chairman brought to my husband's attention with his phone call and follow-up text were posts that were not in support of Mr. Hernandez. This is unacceptable and should never have warranted a phone call. I spoke to the Board, for this reason and this reason only and that was to stay true to myself and stand up for my First Amendment Right of Free Speech trying to be taken away."

The community called on Hernandez to resign because of his conversation with Stanish.

"A trustee may be removed if the joint articles permit the board itself to do so," said Chip Comstock, Eagle Joint Fire District's Attorney. "I believe it's a four-member vote. There has to be proof of misfeasance, maleficence, etc."

"Hernandez cannot be removed without cause by a resolution by the board of trustees, approved and adopted by an affirmative major vote by the township board of trustees," explained Trustee Bill Colletta.

Hernandez believes the situation is a ploy to shame his name ahead of the Trumbull County Commissioner's vote this November. It is unlikely Hernandez will step down and did not publicly apologize Wednesday.

Residents in attendance nearly begged Trustee Hernandez and Trustee Tedrow to work out their differences for the well-being of the township. 

This comes as the Eagle Joint Fire District was approved to use $179 thousand in ARP funds to expense a new ambulance.

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