Exclusive: Nurse punched 20 times outside Warren hospital talks with 21 News

A Youngstown man is in the Trumbull County Jail awaiting arraignment on Wednesday after he allegedly assaulted a pregnant nurse who is nearly approaching her due date.
According to a police report, the incident happened in the parking lot of Trumbull Regional Medical Center shortly after 10:00 p.m. Sunday when the nurse's shift had ended.
The nurse told police she was sitting in her car working on her laptop completing an assignment for an online schooling program when a male identified as 35-year-old Roge Berger came up to the car and "ripped" the door open.
According to the report, Berger said "Give me your f******g car," grabbed her by the head, and slammed her into the vehicle. From there, police say Berger grabbed the nurse by her hair and began to punch her in the face over 20 times.
"I lost count of how many times he hit me in my face. And I was telling him you know please leave me alone. I'm pregnant. And I said it over and over and over again, and I just kept blaring on the horn and I kept my hand on the breaks so he wouldn't run me over," said the nurse.
Eventually, police say Berger shoved the nurse's back causing her to fall to her knees. Police say the fight continued until a security guard approached.
Police said Berger took off by foot. He was later identified and transported to jail. Police eventually found Berger walking on South Street and arrested him. He's charged with aggravated robbery and felonious assault.
The nurse has injuries to her face and head and gave birth Tuesday afternoon. She said while the experience was traumatic, she's just grateful to be safe.