United Way of Youngstown raises nearly $12,000 during annual Stuff the Bus campaign

The United Way of Youngstown was presented a check for nearly $12,000 for the funds they've raised for the annual Stuff the Bus campaign.
The United Way teamed up with Great Clips, Cocca's Pizza and 21 WFMJ to raise $11,801 in order to help kids in the Valley get back into the classroom with the school supplies they need.
United Way was able to turn that into over $35,000 in school supplies and 1,000 backpacks for students across the Mahoning and Shenango Valleys.
"We're talking about 1,000 children that will benefit from this program that go to school with everything they need to be successful and to make sure they have the same thing the student sitting beside them has," said United Way of Youngstown President Bob Hannon.
The United Way says 2024 has exceeded all expectations and is already planning for 2025.