Norman Rockwell collection leaving Howland art museum, set for auction


The Medici Museum in Howland is home to the second largest collection of Norman Rockwell's works in the world. The exhibition, appraised at $130 million, has attracted visitors from all 50 states and other countries since it opened to the public in 2020.

But it will be gone next week, and the paintings set for auction.

The collection's move comes after the Boy Scouts of America was ordered to liquidate some of its assets to compensate more than 64,000 survivors of childhood sexual abuse who filed claims against the organization.

For attorney Ned Gold, who sits on the museum's board of directors, the collection is difficult to part with.

"As of September 1, I'll have 75 years in scouting. So the Rockwell art pretty well represents what I've seen during my scouting history," Gold said. "It's going to be sad to see them sold, but it is for a cause that we need to address."

The pieces will appear alongside works by Walt Disney and other notable artists, at auctions hosted by Heritage Auctions beginning November 15.

"What we're trying to do is present it in a way that will celebrate childhood, and celebrate Rockwell, and all that is good in our country," Heritage Auctions' Aviva Lehmann said. "Anybody who does participate in this forthcoming auction and the subsequent auctions we will hold should truly feel proud that they will be helping compensate survivors."

So far, Lehmann added, the collection is already capturing attention from collectors and potential bidders. "Already today we've gotten multiple inquiries of people who are interested in bidding on this material, tracking this material. I've never in my 26 years of working in auction have seen such enthusiasm from the marketplace, even before the material is on our site."

The Medici Art Museum will be open from 11am to 4pm through Sunday, but will close beginning Monday for the paintings to be packed and transported to the Heritage Auctions facility in Dallas, Texas.

The artwork can be viewed at this link after it has been catalogued by Heritage Auctions.

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