Sudden cardiac arrest is the number one killer of student-athletes, according to the American Heart Association.

However, 9 out of 10 victims can survive if they get a shock from an automated external defibrillator (AEDs) in the first minute of the incident.

Now, Gov. Mike DeWine is expected to sign HB47, which will require schools in Ohio to have AEDs, tomorrow.

Specifically, it will require them in every public, chartered nonpublic school and all municipally owned or operated sports and recreation venues.

DeWine will sign the bill at Worthington Kilbourne High School and he will be joined by Canen Dickman, who was saved by an AED last year after he collapsed during a summer soccer practice session.

Comments will also be made by Nicole Ward, Browns Corner Back Denzel Ward's mother. Denzel lost his father Paul Ward to a sudden cardiac arrest. 

They formed Make Them Know Your Name Foundation, which works to spread resources, education and awareness for hearth health and CPR/AED training in Ohio.