The YMCA Mahoning Valley's Y-Girls STEAM Ahead summer camp showed off what they've learned over the past few weeks with a final showcase held at Penguin City Brewing Company Friday morning from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

The program helps get middle school aged girls interested in robotics and coding as well as drone classes through their Summer Manufacturing Institute Drone Camp. Middle school girls in the camp were able to showcase their learnings from three weeks of activities in the camp.

In the United States, engineering has been a male-dominated profession, with only 21 percent of engineering majors being women. YWCA says the camp is a great way to empower women in the field and bring more interest and access for women to engineering careers.

"Historically, what we've seen is that women tend to go more towards the arts, and men going toward the science and STEM fields," said Varada Bhide, C.O.O. of YMCA Mahoning Valley. "We're trying to get women to enter non-traditional jobs where the living wages are higher. They're making more jobs entering manufacturing fields which are dominated by men."

Another STEAM Ahead camp is scheduled to begin Monday, July 15 in Warren. YMCA says they still have a few spots open.

Those interested can visit the YWCA Mahoning Valley website here to sign up.

For more information, contact Varada Bhide at [email protected] or 330-746-6361 ext. 112., or visit the YWCA Mahoning Valley website at