Summer Graden Good Manufacturing, which is owned and operated by Thomas Zidian and his family, has recently been sold to a subsidiary of a Canadian company for $235 million.

The company was sold to Lassonde Industries, which develops a wide range of private label and national brand products. This include drinks, soups, fruit snacks and frozen juice concentrates. It also imports wines from several different countries.

Lassonde operates 18 plants in Canada and the United States and employs 2,700 full-time equivalent employees.

In addition to the large sale, $45 million may be payable at the closing of the deal over the next three years, which is still subject to regulatory approval and other closing conditions, according to a news release from Lassonde.

“The acquisition of Summer Garden supports our ambition to become a more diversified North American food and beverage company,” said Nathalie Lassonde, Chief Executive Officer and Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors of Lassonde Industries Inc. “Growing our specialty food activities is one of Lassonde’s key strategic objectives and we are happy to have found the right company to help us achieve this objective."

Summer Gardens makes a wide variety of products including sauces, dressings and condiments.

The sale is expected to close with 20 to 45 days.