Mahoning County prosecutor pushes for security cameras at rest stops statewide

Human trafficking continues to plague the state of Ohio in more ways than one. It's an ever present battle that officials are fighting back against, with House Bill 473.
"Traffickers rely on transportation systems to transport victims to places where they will be abused and exploited," Mahoning County Prosecutor Gina DeGenova said.
21 News first brought attention to this bill during our previous 101 West special, "Invisible Chains," as one of the solutions to the issue of human trafficking.
DeGenova testified in favor of the bill, as it aims to require security cameras at all 85 rest stops, statewide. Truck stops are a hub for trafficking.
"Having cameras present can provide critical pieces of missing information like the make or model of a vehicle or even a license plate number," DeGenova said.
Other supporters of this bill have loved ones who have died at rest stops or in traffic. They call these cameras an "impartial witness," and want to see the bill go through.
One woman describes a security camera picking up the murder of one of her family members.
"While he was stopped at a red light looking at his phone for directions, he accidentally tapped the car in front of him," Susan Peterson of the Ohio Association for
Women's Caucus said. "As he drove by, the occupant of that car pulled out a gun and shot Patrick in his head. Without those security cameras, Patrick's killer would never have been found and arrested," Peterson said tearfully.
Some families are left without answers due to the lack of cameras. This was the bill's second hearing. DeGenova says she's optimistic the bill will make it through the House and Senate.