The Youngstown Catholic Diocese is combining Saint Stephen Parish and Our Lady Mount Carmel, and renaming it Saint Pope John XXIII. 

Members of Our Lady Mount Carmel in Niles are worried changing the name could lead to a financial crisis.

That's because for 91 years, the parish celebrated the feast day of our Lady Mount Carmel with a festival. Since the name of Our Lady Mount Carmel Parish is used for the yearly festival, members of the parish fear they're losing their identity. 

"I'm afraid that people will be confused as to what festival this is. But overall, I think with the community, it just feels like something is being taken away from us," said Rina Restaino, a member of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish.

The money made from the summer festival is a large portion of the church's budget, meaning if less people go to the festival, it could have a financial impact on the parish. 

Despite members of the community being upset about the upcoming change, the Catholic Dioceses of Youngstown says the church can keep its traditions surrounding Mount Carmel alive.

"A lot of these parishes that are merging have you know, a long standing tradition. What we're trying to simply say is come together, share resources, share the best of what you have, and develop a unified community," said MSGR. John Zuraw, Vicar General for the Catholic Diocese of Youngstown.

Zuraw says although the name of the parish is changing, the church will still be dedicated to our lady of Mount Carmel.

The amount of people going to catholic churches in Youngstown has decreased over the years. Zuraw hopes the plan will make the parish's stronger, since they can work as a team.

Three Warren Parishes are also merging together next month. The renaming of the parishes goes into effect July 1.

Zuraw says if anyone has concerns about the merge, they can contact the Catholic Dioceses of Youngstown.