Under new leadership, Crestview Middle School added Robotics to its electives this year and the Girls Robotics team advanced to the World Competition bringing home the “Sportsmanship Award.”

“A lot of our vision is built around project based learning. We wanted to create robotics within our middle school courses and it literally took off like, like we wouldn't believe,” said Crestview Middle School Principal, Tim Pancake. 

This is just one of three awards the team won during their first year of Robotics.

“The ladies won the design award at the county level, which then propelled them to state and they actually won the State Championship for driving in the finals and then at worlds, where we won the Sportsmanship Award, which was great to see because worlds had over 800 teams,” said Steven Weber, Crestview Middle School Robotics Coach.

Crestview Middle School is continuing its dedication to innovation, by adding an aviation program to their electives for next school year.