Multiple dangerous intersections that have caused public outcry in the City of Warren were discussed at the Traffic & Safety Committee meeting Monday afternoon.

Warren Fifth Ward Councilwoman Tiffany Stanford tells 21 News three different intersections are being considered including Todd Avenue and Palmyra Road, Parkman Road, Denison Drive and Northwest Boulevard and East Market Street and Country Club Drive.

"I think it's just our duty to make sure our citizens are safe and feel safe and feel listened to," Stanford told 21 News.

Back in March, 21 News spoke with a family who lives near the Todd Avenue and Palmyra Road intersection who told us some of the crashes that occurred at that intersection have resulted in their wheelchair ramp being damaged multiple times.

The homeowner told us his wife's wheelchair ramp has been damaged four times and totaled twice.

Stanford tells 21 News Parkman Road, Denison Drive and Northwest Boulevard sees a lot of foot traffic from adults and children alike due to two businesses, Lil Mac's Food Store and Cockeye BBQ, being located nearby.

These two intersections are being deemed dangerous for the same reason: a flashing traffic light. 

Stanford tells us since 2020, the stop lights at these intersections were turned off and replaced with flashing yellow lights, meaning drivers would not have to come to a complete stop when driving through.

This in turn has caused safety concerns due to the numerous crashes at Todd and Palmyra described above, as well as near-miss incidents where drivers had to drive on the sidewalk to avoid a collision at Parkman, Denison and Northwest.

"The community has spoken," Stanford said. "They showed up in great numbers at the last meeting and I'm getting tons of phone calls and emails and tons of text messages as well a petition with over 500 names signed."

Stanford says in order for the stop lights to be turned back on at these intersections, it must first go through the Traffic Commission. From there, the City Council will need to vote on whether or not to approve the change.

According to data provided by Paul Makosky, Director of Engineering, Planning and Building, flashing lights at intersections might be a safer option compared to reverting back to those regular traffic signals.

From 2010-2020, 17 accidents occurred at Parkman Road, Denison Drive, and Northwest Boulevard when traffic signals were in place. Only 2 accidents have occurred from 2021-2023 since the flashing lights were installed.

From 2010-2020, 36 accidents occurred at Todd Avenue and Palmyra Road when traffic signals were in place. A total of 10 accidents have occurred from 2021-2023 since the flashing lights were installed.

From 2010-2020, 35 accidents occurred at North Park Avenue and Washington Street when traffic signals were in place. A total of 16 accidents have occurred from 2021-2023 since the flashing lights were installed.

"The lights need to be returned in addition to some speed bumps or something to slow someone down," Stanford added. "Because it is really a raceway."

It would cost the city up to $30k to change each traffic signal, plus an additional $150k at East Market and Country Club Drive for an entirely new light system.

Stanford says unlike the other two, this one is less of a dangerous intersection but more of a nuisance due to traffic regularly being backed up near this intersection.

"The $150k would pay for the controllers, the cabinets the communication system that puts everything back to the main server to allow the signal system to operate at maximum efficiency," said Paul Makosky, Director of Engineering, Planning and Building with the City of Warren.

The city's traffic commission needs a new member appointed before efforts move forward.