Organizations throughout Mahoning and Trumbull counties are receiving a combined $142,541 for 2024 from the Environmental Protection Agency for various environmental  projects and programs..

Broken down, Mahoning County is set to get $37,575 while Trumbull County will get $104,966.

In Mahoning County, $10,000 will go to Struthers City Schools for a water bottle refilling station, while the Youngstown Health Department will get $27,575 for its Keep America Beautiful renewal fees, tire amnesty events, outreach and education and litter clean-up events.

In Trumbull, $100,000 will go to the Geauga-Trumbull County Solid Waste Management District for litter clean-up events, education and outreach and contamination reduction programs. JFK LC will get $4,966 for a water bottle refilling station.

The money is part of a larger $7.5 million in grant funding being handed out to 159 recipients with more than $3.8 million for community environmental efforts and litter prevention programs.