State Rep. McNally introduces bill requiring improved surveillance system at rest stops
Ohio has seen a dramatic increase in in human trafficking related prosecutions between 2011 and 2021.
Over the years, they've more than doubled, according to report released in October 2023 by the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services.
A new bill proposed by State Representative Lauren McNally of Youngstown seeks to combat human trafficking by adding new security cameras at more than 80 rest stops across the state.
"We want Ohio's travelers and visitors to have a safe place to rest and take a break so they are refreshed and focused when they get back on the road. Cameras are a cost effective, public safety and crime deterrent tool that we must encourage the state to fully implement in these public spaces," McNally said.
The bill also requires the camera to be properly maintained.
While primarily targeted at combatting the rise of human trafficking in Ohio, the cameras could help in other crimes also. This includes stolen cars, drug use, sex crimes and thefts from cars, according to a news release from McNally's office.
"The Ohio Association for Justice supports legislation to require the installation of security cameras in parking lots at state owned rest areas," said Chris Patno, president of the Ohio Association for Justice. "Cameras can provide a deterrence to criminal activity, a safety blanket for Ohio's travelers, and necessary evidence when prosecuting crimes and damages such as human trafficking, tragic road issues and other random acts of violence."
The bill now waits for assignment to a committee and a first hearing for consideration.