Vindicator, Tribune Chronicle to end Sunday delivery of printed newspapers

The Valley's two major newspapers will no longer offer delivery of Sunday morning editions.
The Warren Tribune Chronicle and the Vindicator have both published announcements that as of April 6, the papers will begin delivering to home subscribers and stores what they are calling a “Weekend Edition” on Saturdays.
The publisher says the weekend edition will combine information from what was usually in both Saturday and Sunday editions, including flyers and advertisements from local stores.
“The weekend newspaper will showcase expanded News, Sports, Business, Opinion and Life sections. The full-color comics section and weekend classified auto, real estate and job listings also will be included,” according to the announcement.
According to the announcement, weekend news, events, and sports will continue to be posted on their websites.
The Tribune and Vindicator are the last Valley newspapers to end Sunday delivery of printed editions.
The Sharon Herald stopped publishing a Sunday edition in April 2020.