Lakeview Schools in danger of financial emergency if levy doesn't pass
The Lakeview Local School District could end up in hot water if voters don't pass a levy this March.
That's why they're asking for a $1.5 million dollar emergency additional levy to be added to the ballot for a fourth time.
The levy failed 52% to 47% in November.
"The future isn't looking very rosy for the district if we continue to down the path we're on right now," said Lakeview Superintendent Velina J. Taylor.
This time around, the school district is still hoping for the 1.5 million. but at a lower millage, due to recent property re-valuation.
If the levy doesn't pass, the district could go into a "financial emergency."
The administration says they've already made 950 thousand dollars in cuts over the past four years. But they're running out of ways to save money, without losing staff or student programs.
"Marching orders for the administration and myself is to attempt to cut another $350,000 out of the budget for next year," said Taylor.
"With this levy, we'll have to maintain those cuts, but it'll keep us afloat for a few more years," said Lakeview Treasurer Sean Miller.