A woman who was accused of abuse of a corpse in Warren after a miscarriage will not be charged.

According to the Trumbull County Grand Jury Report, a no-bill was issued for 34-year-old Brittany Watts, a woman who was charged with Abuse of a Corpse, meaning she will not be charged with any crime.

The case, which garnered national attention in media and among reproductive rights advocates began after Watts, who was 21 weeks pregnant, miscarried into a toilet in her home, followed by flushing and plunging it.

Following the case garnering attention, reproductive rights advocates and physicians called on Trumbull County Prosecutor Dennis Watkins to throw the case out.

Watkins responded to these requests by stating that it was up to a grand jury on whether or not the case moves forward. 

A rally was planned in support of Watts Thursday afternoon. Reverend Todd Johnson tells 21 News that this will still be going on in the form of a celebration of the ruling.

Johnson says he's very grateful for the grand jury's decision, but he's still concerned about law enforcement's role and the legal process when it comes to pregnancy complications. Johnson says he hopes this case can act as a teachable moment for future situations like this one.

The Trumbull County Prosecutor Dennis Watkins released a statement that said in part, "myself, Assistant Prosecutor Barber and other staff involved in assessing and handling this matter before a duly impaneled grand jury, as always, did our due diligence as ministers of justice allowing the Ohio criminal justice to do its job and make a decision through fairness and due process of law."

Watkins also covered the criticism his office dealt with during the proceedings.

"This office took some criticism and vicious personal attacks by the few who didn't understand that a reasonable amount of time was needed to do our duties and misreported that we were seeking an indictment in this case."