The future of the Dana School of Music at YSU seems to be up in the air as social media posts circulate claiming the school is closing.

Youngstown State University addressed the rumors in a statement Sunday as talks of the closing began to heat up.

In the statement, YSU states the Dana School of Music is not closing, but it will "undergo immediate reorganization." The statement said four majors within the Dana School of Music are being sunset this academic year.

The four majors that are being cut, aka "sunset" include:

- Bachelor of Arts in Music

- Bachelor of Music in Composition

- Master of Music in Composition

- Master of Music in Jazz Studies

YSU Director of Marketing and Communications Becky Rose tells 21 News that all four of these programs had consistently low enrollment reporting approximately 12 graduates in the past five years. Students currently involved in all of these majors will still be able to graduate from them.

We're also told that these cuts will also involve some faculty positions being eliminated.  According to a press release, up to 13 faculty members are expected to be laid off.

Rose tells us that a voluntary separation retirement program will be extended to faculty affected by the cuts.

Additionally, 21 News has learned that these cuts are not just limited to the music program, as the university has announced that multiple other programs will be cut including:

- Geography

- Art Education

- Interdisciplinary Studio Art

- Digital Media / Photography

This means that the university will no longer be admitting any new students into any of these programs, but like with the music school, all students already enrolled in the programs can still graduate from them

A website,, has been created about the situation. According to the website, the YSU administration is allegedly presenting cuts to undergraduate degrees in music performance, music composition, and the complete graduate program during a special meeting on January 10.

However, Rose tells 21 News that the music performance programs, both undergrad and graduate programs are not going away. 

YSU's website lists a virtual Academic Senate special meeting on January 10. The Save-Dana site says a peaceful protest will take place outside Tod Hall at 4 p.m. Wednesday.