December is Career Exploration and Awareness Month, and to celebrate, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services is launching a new tool to make it easier for Ohioans. 

The Department of Job and Family Services's new dashboard on the department's website makes it easier for job seekers to find free career planning services at their local Ohio Means Jobs Center. 

"This is a quick and easy way to see what services and workshops your local center offers," said ODJFS Director Matt Damschroder . "You can just visit this web page, click on your county, and instantly view the full menu of options."

Every county in Ohio has an Ohio Means Jobs Center, where Ohioans can find free career planning, job training, and other employment services for Ohioans looking for work, and employers looking for workers. 

All centers have free public computers and phones that individuals can use to write a resume, complete online training, and look for jobs. Many centers also offer information about local career fairs, referrals to local service providers, and training opportunities. Some centers also offer workshops for basic computer skills, resume writing and interviewing. 

On the Ohio Means Jobs website, Ohioans can find and apply for job openings, take skill and career interest assessments, and create or improve resumes. 

To explore career opportunities, head to, select "For Job Seekers." Under the drop-down menu, choose "Career Preparation" (under "Build Your Career") or "Career Skills" or "Career Path" (under "Practice Your Skills.")

To find contact information for your nearest OhioMeansJobs Center – and the dashboard map showing what services are available there, visit and select "FIND A JOB CENTER" at the bottom of the page.