Austintown police were called to Hollywood Gaming late Monday night after a man inside the facility assaulted a woman who was playing on a slot machine.

According to the police report, the victim was seated at a slot machine inside the Austintown gaming facility just before midnight Monday when an unknown man sat down beside her.

The woman said the man began asking her personal questions about her marital status and if it was a happy marriage. The man remained beside her for about five minutes later; the unknown male grabbed the victim and put her in a headlock. The victim told police she was unable to breathe or move.

The victim told police the man attempted to kill her, as he was choking her and unable to breathe. As she began to fight her attacker, she broke free and ran screaming for help.

The man then reportedly pushed buttons on the gaming machine and grabbed the victim's voucher.

Police were able to view the security footage which showed the assault.

Police describe the man as a white male with a beard wearing a tan-colored baseball cap, and a gray worker's jacket with a hood. The man was wearing a black shirt, jeans that were tucked into his cowboy boots, and a silver necklace with a medium-sized charm on it.

The attack took place in the smoking area of the gaming facility located at 777 Hollywood Drive in the township.

The security video showed the unknown male pulling the victim until he and the victim fell to the ground. The footage then reportedly shows the man pushing buttons on the machine to get a printout gaming voucher. 

The stolen voucher was found in the parking lot containing $154. 53.

The attacker pushed past an employee while several patrons attempted to tackle the man, and he fell twice, but was able to get out the south doors to the facility. 

A man in the parking lot repeatedly kicked the person of interest in the leg.

The person of interest was seen fleeing the property in a 2016 Chevrolet Silverado extended cab.

Security gave police the license plate number of the person of interest, which was registered to a Carrolton, OH man.

The police from the Carrolton area went to the person of interest's house, where his wife told officers that the man was not there.

The victim told police her head hurt but declined medical assistance.