Wind and solar farms have now been banned in all 18 townships of Columbiana County.

County Commissioners voted to approve banning the large farms in the final three townships Wednesday morning.

The final three to make the ban were St. Clair, Liverpool and Yellow Creek townships.

Community members and landowners have been pushing for the ban of these solar farms for months.

"We went out and asked the township to tell us what they wanted," Columbiana County Commissioner Tim Weigle. "On their behalf, we did what they asked. We banned the wind and solar because Columbiana County is predominantly agriculture and a lot of the farmers said they didn't want these wind and solar fields in our farmland."

Commissioners also voted to intervene and testify against the proposed 2,200-acre Kensington Solar Farm that's pending before the Ohio Power Siting Board.

It would be located in Franklin Township and more than 300,000 solar panels would be installed on land leased from private land owners.