A man charged with murdering a man on Youngstown's South side in 2021 was arrested during a traffic stop in Campbell on Tuesday afternoon.

Calvin Shelton, 34, was booked into the Mahoning County Jail on charges of murder, involuntary manslaughter, burglary, having firearms under disability, falsification, and violating parole.

The charges are related to the shooting death of 27-year-old Marquis Lewis in his Plum st. home back in November of 2021. A woman found Lewis dead on the bathroom floor of his home days after the incident.

In addition to the murder-related charges, Shelton was also charged with falsification after his arrest on Tuesday, during which a Campbell Police report says he tried to identify himself as James Jason.

Police were able to identify Shelton by tracking previous reports where the driver of the vehicle, identified as 36-year-old Dequawa Jackson (pictured below), was listed as an involved person.

During that process, officers found a Youngstown Police Department report with Jackson and Shelton both listed. Upon viewing a license photo of Shelton, Campbell police were able to match a tattoo near Shelton's right eye to that in the license photo and place him under arrest.

For her alleged attempt to help conceal Shelton's identity, Jackson is charged with obstructing justice. She is also charged with driving under suspension, disobeying a stop sign, fictitious license plates, and driving with an expired registration.

Shelton is set to be arraigned on his charges Wednesday morning.