Sales - Halloween
Find Trick-or-Treat times in the Mahoning & Shenango valleys
21 News has compiled the lists for Trick-or-treat times by county and community.

21 News has compiled the lists for Trick-or-treat times by county and community. If you or your group has a Halloween event you want to add to the list, email us at
Check back, as the list will be updated as times and dates are announced.
- Austintown Twp.: Oct. 31, 5:30–7:30 p.m.
- Austintown Trunk-R-Treat: Oct. 29, 3:30–5:30 p.m. in Austintown Township Park, 6000 Kirk Road
- Beaver Twp.: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Beloit: Oct. 28, 5–7 p.m., Hayride, donuts, apple cider at Station 2; movie in the par at 7:30 p.m.
- Boardman Plaza: Oct. 28, 4–6 p.m. Stores will pass out candy, and an adult must accompany children.
- Boardman Twp.: Oct. 31, 5:30–7:30 p.m.
- Southern Park Mall: Oct. 12, Candy Crawl, outdoors at DeBartolo Commons from 5–7 p.m. (while supplies last). Chocolates from Giannios Candy Company.
- Canfield Twp.: Oct. 31, 6–8 p.m.
- Canfield City: Oct. 31, 6–8 p.m.
- Campbell: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Coitsville Twp.: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m. Turn on porch lights if participating.
- Craig Beach Village: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Ellsworth Twp.:
- Faith Fellowship Church of God, Trunk or Treat/Family Fall Festival, 388 E Midlothian Blvd: October 22, 12 - 4 p.m. The free event will include bounce houses, face painting, hot dogs, chips, drinks, vendors, and pumpkins.
- Grace Church Fall Fest Trunk or Treat, Oct. 21, 5–7 p.m., 5253 W. Webb Road, Youngstown. The family event will feature food, hot chocolate, bouncy slide games, and more.
- Greenford, Green Twp.: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.; Halloween costume judging 7:30 p.m. with the South Range band at Green Township Fire Station, 12210 Lisbon Road.
- Jackson Twp.: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Jackson Twp. Volunteer Fire Department Grab and Go Trick or Treat, October 31, 5–7 p.m.
at 229 N Salem-Warren Road, drive through or walkthrough - Lowellville: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Mill Creek Community Center Trunk or Treat: Oct. 28 at 496 Glenwood Ave, Youngstown. 2–5 p.m. Candy, music, food.
- Milton Twp.: Oct. 31, 6–8 p.m.
- North Jackson Citizens' Association Halloweenie Fest, Oct. 31, 4:30–7 p.m., Jackson Township Administration Building, 10613 Mahoning Avenue, indoor trick-or-treating, Oct. 31, 4:30-7 p.m., Jackson Township Administration Building, 10613 Mahoning Avenue, indoor trick-or-treating
- New Middletown: Oct. 31, 6–8 p.m.
- New Springfield: Oct. 31, 6–8 p.m.
- Nissan Trunk or Treat, Oct. 26, 5–7 p.m., #1 Cochran Nissan Boardman, 7809 Market St, Boardman, candy, music, a bounce house and face painting
- Poland Township: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Poland Village: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Sebring: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Smith Township: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Smith Twp. Police Trunk or Treat: Oct. 28 at Maple Ridge Park, 3–5 p.m.
- Struthers: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Springfield Twp.: Oct. 31, 6–8 p.m.
- Youngstown: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Youth Intensive Services Trick or Treat: Oct. 19, 4–6 p.m., 238 S. Meridian Rd., Youngstown
- Bazetta Twp.: Oct. 31, 6–8 p.m.
- Braceville Twp.: Oct. 31, 5-7 pm.
- Bristol Twp.: Monday, Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Brookfield Twp. (including Masury): Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Champion Twp.: Monday, Oct. 31, 6–8 p.m.
- Cortland: Oct. 28, 5–8 p.m., on W. Main St., with food trucks, music, and candy from local businesses
- Fowler Twp.: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Warren Twp.: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Girard: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Gustavus Twp.: Oct. 31, 5-7 pm
- Hartford Twp.:
- Howland Twp.: Oct. 31, 6–8 p.m.
- Hubbard City: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Hubbard Twp.: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Johnston Twp.: Oct. 31, 5 - 7 p.m.
- Kinsman Twp.: Oct. 31, 5-7 pm.
- Liberty Twp.: October 31, 5–7 p.m.; open house from 4- 5 p.m. at the administration building for the children to show off their costumes, meet the police and firefighters, and get candy and treats.
- Lordstown Village: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Masury: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- McDonald: Oct. 31, 5:30- 7:30 p.m.
- Mecca Twp.: Oct. 31, 6–8 p.m.
- Newton Falls: Oct. 28, 4–6 p.m.
- Newton Twp.: Oct. 28, 4–6 p.m.
- Newton Falls Middle School Trunk or Treat, Oct. 19, 5–6 p.m., 905 Milton Blvd.
- Niles: Oct. 31, 5:30–7:30 p.m., Halloween parade is Oct. 29 at 1 p.m. along Main Street, from Federal to State Street.
- Niles First Christian, 22 W. Church St., Oct. 21 from noon to 2 p.m.
- 25th annual "Trick or Treat" at Eastwood Field in Niles: Oct. 25 from 5:45–8 p.m., with a rain date of Oct. 26
- Continuing Healthcare of Niles & The Suites Community Trunk or Treat: Oct .19, 2565 Niles-Vienna Rd., 5-8 pm
- Niles Our Lady of Mount Carmel Trunk or Treat: Oct. 29, 2:30 p.m., 381 Robbins Ave.
- Southington Twp.: Oct. 31, 5:30–7:30 p.m.
- Trick or Treat PAWS: Oct. 29-Oct: 31, noon to 6 p.m. Take your pet in costume for a treat (some for kids, too). 3265 Canfield Road, Cornersburg
- Vienna Twp.: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Vienna's St. Thomas the Apostle Church: Oct. 28, 6:30–8 p.m. Free indoor trick or treat, also with food and drink purchases available. Bring one canned good for the Vienna food pantry. Parking is available at Mathews High School.
- Mineral Ridge/Weathersfield Twp.:
- Warren: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Warren Halloween Parade: Oct. 29, 3 p.m., downtown Warren
- Warren Twp.: October 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Yankee Lake: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Community Trunk or Treat: Oct. 26, 5:30–7 p.m. at Warren's Jefferson PK-8 School. Food trucks, music.
- Weathersfield Twp.: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Calcutta/St. Clair Twp.: Oct. 31, 5:30–7 p.m.
- Columbiana: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- East Liverpool: Oct. 31, 6–7:30 p.m.
- East Palestine: Oct. 31, 5:30–7 p.m.
- Fairfield Twp.:
- Leetonia: Oct. 31, 5-7 p.m.
- Lisbon: Monday, Oct 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Liverpool Twp.: Monday, Oct. 31, 6–7:30 p.m.
- New Waterford Village: Oct. 28, 5–7 p.m.
- Perry Twp.:
- Salineville:
- Salem City: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Salem Township: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- St. Clair Twp.: Oct. 31, 5:30–7 p.m.
- Trick or Treat PAWS: Oct. 29-Oct. 31, noon to 6 p.m. Take your pet in costume for a treat (some for kids, too). 112 S. Main Street, Columbiana
- Washington Twp.:
- Washingtonville:
- Wellsville: Oct. 31, 5-7 p.m.
- Farrell: Oct. 31, 4;30-630 pm
- Greenville: Oct. 28, Halloween Parade & Trick or Treat, 2–6 p.m.
- Grove City: Oct. 28, 4–6 p.m.
- Hermitage: Oct. 31, 5–7 p.m.
- Hermitage Lowe's Home Improvement Trick or Treat: Oct. 25, 5–7 p.m. See the carved pumpkins and get some candy. 3000 Glimcher Blvd., Hermitage
- Laurel Technical Institute Trunk or Treat: 200 Sterling Avenue, Sharon, PA. Haunted Halls of LTI and candy distribution (community invited to participate in handing out candy). Culinary students will prepare food and drinks for a fee.
- Liberty Twp.:
- Sandy Lake Borough:
- Sharon: Oct. 31, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
- Sharon Frightfully Fun Fest on the Shenango at Quaker Steak and Lube, Oct. 27. 4–7 p.m., live music, trunk or treat, night market, pet costume contest, hay rides
- Sharpsville:
- Shenango Twp.:
- South Pymatuning Twp.:
- Springfield Twp.:
- Stoneboro Borough:
- West Middlesex Borough:
- West Salem Twp.: