Three year 'Diverging Diamond' project getting underway at 82 and 46 intersection

A groundbreaking is scheduled on Wednesday for a project designed to reduce traffic congestion at Routes 46 and 82 in Howland Township when it is completed in 2026.
The 10 a.m. ceremony will mark the Ohio Department of Transportation’s work to create what’s known as a Diverging Diamond Interchange.
When the work is completed, drivers will find themselves traveling in what seems to be opposite traffic lanes for short distances at the intersection in the Howland Township business district, near the Eastwood Mall Complex.
Howland Township officials say the changes will make it easier for folks to get around, whether they're shopping at nearby retail hubs or just getting from point A to point B.
This project will be built in two phases, with phase one focusing on replacing the SR 82 eastbound and westbound bridges over SR 46. Phase two will consist of constructing the DDI on SR 46.
Drivers who travel the area will notice changes beginning on Thursday, September 14 when the ramp from East Market St. to SR 82 will close through November 2024. The detour will be from East Market St. to State Route 46 to State Route 82.
According to the most recent traffic counts, 50,000 cars and trucks travel through the intersection each day.
State officials say that between 2012 and 2016 there were 159 crashes at the SR 46 and SR 82 ramp intersections, and another sixty crashes north of the intersection on Route 46.
The key difference from conventional interchanges is how the DDI handles left turns. The crossovers are designed to gently transition traffic from the right side of the road to the left side of the road and then back again.
Because traffic is on the left-hand side between the crossovers, all left turns occur without having to cross opposing traffic.