Youngstown students to start year remotely as strike is set to begin

With a strike set to begin on the scheduled first day of classes in the Youngstown City School District, students will start the first day of classes remotely if the strike does begin after midnight.
The Youngstown Education Association approved the strike vote Monday, set to begin at 12:01 am Wednesday.
Elementary and middle school students are being been asked to pick up their remote learning devices Wednesday morning, while high school students from East and Chaney are being asked to pick up their devices on Thursday at their schools.
Bus will be running in the districts even if a strike occurs, delivering city students that ride the buses to other schools.
YCSD superintendent Jeremy Batchlor told 21 News that the district was supposed to hold a fact-finding process before teachers could strike, which involves an independent third party speaking with both parties to attempt to find a resolution to the stalled negotiations.
The district filed a state employment relation boards motion claiming that the strike if it takes place, would be illegal because this was never done.
Batchelor told 21 News that the district offer the teachers union a 60-day contract extension, to continue talks, along with $600 for each teacher, but the union rejected the offer.
Batchelor went on to emphasize parents' concerns about the strike stating that they want their kids back in school and this would negatively affect students' education.
Earlier Tuesday, 21 News reported on a statement from Jim Courim stating that he hopes to meet with the Board at 4:00 p.m. prior to a regularly scheduled meeting at 4:30 p.m. to resume discussions on negotiations.
Batchelor told 21 News that can't happen Tuesday because of the meeting and the need to prepare for remote learning.