One of the nation’s largest trucking companies is criticizing the Teamster’s union as it files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

The filing comes just one week after Yellow Corporation shut down operations across the country, including its Holland shipping hub on Market Street in Beaver Township.

“All workers and employers should take note of our experience with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and worry,” said Yellow’s Chief Executive Officer, Darren Hawkins in a news release. “We faced nine months of union intransigence, bullying, and deliberately destructive tactics. A company has the right to manage its own operations, but as we have experienced, IBT leadership was able to halt our business plan, literally driving our company out of business, despite every effort to work with them.”

The company said in the filing that it expects to enter into an agreement, setting forth the terms and conditions of a debtor-in-possession financing facility that would provide Yellow with funding needed to support the businesses throughout the marketing and sale process, including payment of certain wages.

The bankruptcy came three years after the federal government granted a $700 million Coronavirus Aid relief loan to protect the 30,000 jobs of YRC Worldwide, whose subsidiaries include Reddaway, Holland, and New Penn.

As part of the loan deal, the U.S. Treasury received shares totaling 29.6% of YRC’s common stock to be held in a voting trust.  The agreement also included provisions to maintain employment levels and limit executive compensation, dividends, and share repurchases.