Are political yard signs allowed up months before the election?

Months ahead of the election, political campaign yard signs are up across the Mahoning Valley.
Many cities like Youngstown have laws in place that technically wouldn’t allow these signs to go up before October 7 - 30 days before the election - but that ordinance is pretty much null and void.
“The US Supreme Court said that political signs cannot be contained in terms of length of time,” Youngstown Law Director Jeff Limbian said.
In its 2015 ruling, the Supreme Court felt any yard signs are allowed because it’s free speech under the first amendment.
However, Attorney David Marburger doesn't think the first amendment would protect against any political signs that use profanities - that a neighbor is forced to see.
“You can't reasonably avoid the message because your in you house and it's staring you are basically being deprived of the ability to look out your window,” he said.
The SCOTUS ruling only applies to private property. When it comes to city owned land the signs still aren’t allowed at any time.
“You can't put them in devil strips, you can't put them on public property and you can't put them on free ways,” Limbian said.
If the signs are in places they aren't allowed city workers will take them down.
The only way the Youngstown City ordinance would once again be valid is if the Supreme Court reverses its decision.