Volunteer fire departments eligible for up to $15,000 for safety gear

Volunteer fire departments across Ohio can now apply for up to $15,000 in grants to purchase and upgrade safety gear for their firefighters, according to a press release from Ohio Governor Mike DeWine.
The Governor's office announced the program Tuesday, which will be administered through the Ohio Bureau of Worker's Compensation.
The grants come as an extension to an existing program, the Firefighter Exposure to Environmental Elements Grants, which now includes emergency response "turnout" gear for local volunteer fire departments.
"We've seen this program positively impact fire departments throughout Ohio and we are proud this expansion will protect more Ohioans for years to come," said John Logue, administrator of the Ohio BWC.
The eligibility changes now make purchases like trousers, suspenders, and jackets available for FEEEG funding.
Local volunteer fire stations can request up to $15,000 every three years for new equipment through the program.