Campbell's Law Director Brian Macala is accused of forging the signatures during an estate issue in the Probate Courts, according to a complaint filed by the Mahoning County Bar Association to the Ohio Board of Professional Conduct.

The complaint stems from a previous case Macala was handling involving a Notice of Delinquent Inventory in 2020. 

After several notices issued by the court, Macala Waivers of Partial Accounts for both of his clients in 2022, both documents included signatures from his clients and their beneficiaries.

However, a beneficiary to Macala's clients reviewed the documents and determined that no one actually signed them. Macala was soon fired from representing the estates, though he reportedly asked to his retain his position a day after he was fired.

According to court documents, Macala admits to forging the documents.

The Mahoning County Bar Association filed a grievance with the Ohio board on May 31. They accuse Macala of violating five professional conduct rules including acting with reasonable diligence, not keeping the client reasonably informed and engaging in dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation.

While he admitted to forging the signatures, Macal has denied he violated any professional conduct rules.

Macala is scheduled to appear in front of the Ohio Board of Professional Conduct on Oct. 30.