Former Grove City Library director accused of stealing $25K

Just a few months after asking for financial support from the community to keep the Grove City Library open, the former director is facing a number of charges for allegedly stealing money.
According to Mercer County District Attorney Peter Acker, former director Amy Gallagher allegedly stole about $26,000 from the library.
Gallagher is facing six counts of forgery, four counts of theft by unlawful taking and 10 counts of tampering with records, according to court documents. The charges of forgery and theft by unlawful taking are felonies. The offense date listed is November 27, 2020.
21 News spoke with Gallagher in April when she called for financial support for the library.
She told 21 News that a decrease in community donations, the library closing during the onset of the pandemic, and the economic issues that followed led to the library being on the verge of closing.
The library was even closed on Saturdays and operating on a skeleton staff to help cut expenses.
Gallagher has a preliminary hearing scheduled for July 26 at 9:45 a.m.