There's growing frustration surrounding working conditions for nursing home staff across Ohio. They're speaking out against Governor Mike DeWine's Nursing Home Quality and Accountability Task Force saying it doesn't include input from those who work first hand with the residents.

Their fear is that the biggest issues at hand, like staffing shortages, won't get solved.

"The staff is getting burned out, they're struggling they're tired," said Rackell Ellis, administrative organizer for CIU.

"One aid cannot take care of thirty residents, do check-in changes, showers, help feed, do everything that they're required to do throughout the day when they're responsible for that many people," said Michelle Pirigyi, administrative organizer for SEIU.

Members of this group say they just want to be heard. They want Governor DeWine to give them a seat at the table to voice their concerns and if that doesn't happen, the situation will only get worse.

"We're gonna lose more residents, more old people are going to suffer, more older people, the staff is going to continue to suffer and we're going to continue to lose staff to other fields," Pirigyi said.

The group tells 21 News that in order to keep that from happening, there needs to be more staff on board.

"They need to make sure that you only have one STNA to at least 15 at the most because that way you can perform the proper care that you need for these residents," Ellis said.